Clair-Senses-Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant

GVHT Psychic & Intuition Development Course


By Raine Hilton

Welcome to our in-depth Psychic and Intuition Development Course. 

The difference with this course is that it not only teaches you step by step how to develop your ‘Clair-senses’  but it also attunes you to powerful Celestial Light Codes to awaken and further enhance your natural intuitive abilities.

This course is ideal for absolute beginners as well as those a little further on their path who are in need of a little extra guidance.

‘Clair’ means Clear in French.  You may have heard or read about this in your spiritual studies regarding the different psychic senses or abilities we are all naturally born with. These are enhanced multidimensional forms of our everyday physical senses. Many tend to have one ability that is stronger than all of the others, some more than one and for others a smattering of each one. If you have one dominant sense this isn’t to say the others cannot be developed, only that this may happen in varying degrees and over a longer period of time. It tends to be something which if it is intended happens naturally over time and with practice and patience just like learning any new skill.

‘Clair-senses’ are natural abilities we are naturally born with. Each module will cover a different ‘Clair-sense’ and it is recommended that a minimum of a month is allowed between every level to give you time to really focus on each important aspect. By the end of the course, you will have fine-tuned each of your spiritual Clair-senses.

I have also included some of my experiences and some helpful exercises and spiritual development articles to help you on your way. Included in each course module will be a Celestial Light Code Activation Attunement, this will help to open up your perceptions and to gently release any blockages that are preventing you from achieving your full spiritual potential.
I have been teaching spiritual development in one form or another for over 25 years and through the courses, I am currently writing I am sharing my experiences and the methods which have worked for me and those I have taught over the years. 

The following course modules must be taken in order, they can be purchased individually for £25.99 or as a package for £150

When you purchase this course as a full-price package, r
eceive a FREE GVHT Distance Attunement to the value of £25 on completion of all modules. 

Module 1 – Clairvoyance - £25.99
Clairvoyance means clear seeing.
This is the ability to intuitively reach across into other realms and dimensions by altering our vibrational frequency enough that we can create a bridge between our realm and other ones to visually perceive "within the mind's eye" something existing in that particular time and space. This can manifest in varying degrees sometimes to such a stage that it appears as if their realm is overlaid ours and we can easily walk between them both.

Those who proclaim themselves as a clairvoyant use their inner vision, the eye behind the eye, to receive these extrasensory impressions, sometimes they appear as if they were happening right in front of them, and other times in the form of symbols. As we are entering into a sacred space we are beyond time so we can see things from hundreds or even thousands of years ago as clearly as if they were happening in our present time, this is known as Postcognition. Others see events yet to occur, known as Precognition. Some just see this unfolding much in the way as if they were watching a movie, as for those who have other abilities they may also then hear, feel, smell or taste their way through their experiences in these realms too.

Tuning in is actually a simple and natural process, we often do it without thinking when we enter a daydream state, but to begin with it is more productive to do this while consciously preparing yourself, setting your intention and actively entering into a meditative state. Working with this course material, the the energy will make you far more open and receptive and your experiences far richer and more vibrant.

Your will Study:

An overview of the Clair-senses
My own shared experiences of Clairvoyance
How Clairvoyance works and how to release blockages preventing you from tuning in
Self beliefs and social influences relating to spiritual development
Methods to focus your Clairvoyant ability

The importance of spiritual protection
Crystals for protection

An overview of the Auric Field
How to see your Aura
How to see the Auras of others

Spirit Guide Overview
Meditation to meet your Spirit Guide
How to work with your Spirit Guide

Celestial Light Code Activation
How it works
Attunement process

Introduction to Clairaudience which will be Module 2

You will recieve your PDF course manual and ongoing email guidance throughout your course, after you have followed the exercises and meditations for one month you may apply for your Celestial Light Code Activation. On completion of this you will receive a certificate of completion.

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies, Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.
Please contact me
hiltonphilip85@gmail.comto make a booking or for more information.

Module 2 – Clairaudience - £25.99 
Clairaudience means clear hearing.

Clairaudients perceive sounds, words and extrasensory noise, from sources which are broadcast from the spiritual or ethereal realm. This happens through the "inner ear" also known as the “ear behind the ear.” These communications are perceived without the function of the physical ear and are beyond the restrictions of our everyday time and space. These tones and vibrations are more easily perceived while in a relaxed alpha state such as during a meditation session for example, or while in the between the stage of sleeping and waking up
With time and practice clairaudients can eventually receive verbal and sound-related information from people and events in the past, present and future while fully conscious, in a variety of environments such as when working one to one or in groups or circles. Those who actively channel are also known as Mediums, and often work with both clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities.

Your will Study:

An overview of Clairaudience
My own shared experiences of Clairaudience
How your Self-Talk can block your Clairaudient ability
Exercises to improve your Self-Talk

The Alpha State
How to achieve the Alpha State
Working within the Alpha State

Developing your Clairaudient Ability
Work with 4 exercises to instigate and enhance Clairaudience

Closing Down
The importance of closing down after spiritual work
Learn 3 techniques to help you close down safely
The Chakra System
Rainbow Colour Breathing
The importance of colour balancing within your lifestyle
Chakra meanings
Working with the chakra system
Choosing the right one for you
Exercises to learn how to use a pendulum
Celestial Light Code Activation
How it works
Attunement process

Introduction to Clairsentience which will be Module 3

You will receive your PDF course manual and ongoing email guidance throughout your course, after you have followed the exercises and meditations for one month you may apply for your Celestial Light Code Activation. On completion of this you will receive a certificate of completion.

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies , Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.
Please contact me to make a booking or for more information.


Module 3 – Clairsentience - £25.99
Clairsentience means clear feeling.

Clairsentience also known as clear sensation or feeling is the ability to perceive psychic information by "feeling" it within the body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information.

If you are someone who mostly focuses on how things relate to you physically and emotionally rather than mentally, it could indicate that you are more open to clairsentient messages and information coming into you. You may find that you learn new things more easily in a kinaesthetic manner and perspective, being shown one to one in person, or following a video tutorial, instead of reading instructions from a manual or listening to what someone is telling you.

 You may be someone who is very intune with your own body and feels all of the subtle, and the not so subtle, energy shifts, planetary alignment changes, phases of the moon etc more keenly than others do. This may make you feel more emotional than usual, disturb your sleeping patterns, or may make you feel more achy in your physical body than usual.

You will study:

An overview of Clairsentience

My own shared experiences of Clairsentience

Working to release fear based blockages

The Alpha State

Negative Emotions Creation Cycle

Positive Emotions Creation Cycle

Learning to Relax

Developing Clairsentient ability

Exercise1: tuning into your energy field

  • Learn your body’s rhythms and cycles
  • Scanning the aura
  • Scanning the physical, emotional and mental bodies
  • Learning body awareness

Exercise 2: tuning into the energy field of another

  • Scanning another’s auric field
  • Scanning the physical, emotional and mental bodies
  • Tuning into those in spirit
  • Discerning past, present future indicators

Exercise 3: Working with your Clairsentient Chakra

  • Sensing this chakra using touch and pendulum
  • Using Colour Therapy to boost your Clairsentient Chakra

Working with Crystals

Choosing the right one to enhance your Clairsentient ability

How to tune into your crystal

Cleansing your crystal


An overview of Psychometry

Exercise 1: Working with objects; how to tune into residual energy

Exercise 2: Hide and Seek; searching for lost or hidden items

Exercise 3: Photo reading; how to tune into an energy field from a photograph

Celestial Light Code Activation
How it works
Attunement process

Introduction to Clairalience– clear smelling which will be Module 4

You will receive your PDF course manual and ongoing email guidance throughout your course, after you have followed the exercises and meditations for one month you may apply for your Celestial Light Code Activation. On completion of this you will receive a certificate of completion.

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies , Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.

Please contact me to make a booking or for more information.


Module 4 Clairalience - £25.99
Clairalience means clear- smelling


We have all experienced what it’s like to walk into a room and feel over-powered by a particular scent. Or what it’s like to feel comforted by the aroma of a favourite home-cooked meal or the scent of a loved one’s perfume or cologne. But some people have further developed the psychic ability of Clairalience allowing them to experience scents and aromas that others don’t smell, that are not of this physical world.

Not every person will associate smells with particular people, others find that they are more affected by particular situations. For example, there have been cases of people who say they smell the emotions of others. One might notice a particular scent when someone is angry and another scent when one is calm and yet another scent when one is happy, sad, in fear or aroused. In this case it’s up to the person with the psychic ability to figure out how to interpret the messages they are getting with their sense of scent.

There are others who say that they can sense the energy or the vibes of someone else through their sense of smell. For example, when they come across a person giving off good vibes, they experience a pleasant scent, but when they come across a person giving off bad vibes, the odour is not enjoyable. Again, these scents and aromas you’re picking up are unique to you. If others smell the same thing, then chances are the odour is literal and not psychic.

If you have the gift of Clairalience, you can strengthen it by paying attention to it and actively using it. The more you notice what you smell and when you smell it, the more you’ll understand how your particular ability works. If you intuit information and then act upon it, your psychic ability will naturally get even stronger.

Spirit will often use scents to identify themselves or something that perhaps they used, ate, or were surrounded by to strengthen their energy signature. This form of spirit communication allows them to use energy and convert that into a scent for us to smell in the form of spirit communication.

You will study:

An overview of Clairalience

My own shared experiences of Clairalience

Heightened senses in Animals

An overview of Animal Totems

Meditation to discover your Spirit Animal Totem Guide

Using Aromatherapy to enhance Clairalience

How to get the most from your essential oils

  • Body Methods
  • Water Methods
  • Room Methods
  • Base/carrier oils

Putting together a Basic Aromatherapy health care kit

Developing Clairalient ability

Exercise1: tuning into your everyday environment

  • Linking scents with emotions and memories

Exercise 2: tuning in using essential oils/incenses

  • Working with pure vibrational scents for meditation and journeying

Exercise 3: Smelling Auras

  • Working with other people; how to discern their overall auric scent from their physical scent.
  • Linking aura colours to scents
  • Discerning positive and negative energy in the aura through scent

Exercise 4: Tuning into people and places distantly

  • Working from images of objects
  • Working with different places
  • Working with people distantly

Other ways to strengthen your Clairalient ability

Celestial Light Code Activation
How it works
Attunement process

Introduction to Clairgustance– clear tasting which will be Module 5

You will receive your PDF course manual and ongoing email guidance throughout your course, after you have followed the exercises and meditations for one month you may apply for your Celestial Light Code Activation. On completion of this you will receive a certificate of completion.

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies , Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.

Please contact to make a booking or for more information.


Module 5 – Clairgustance - £25.99

Clairgustance means clear- tasting

This is the ability to be to taste something that isn't present in your immediate physical/material environment. This can often happen quite unexpectedly, for example, when we apart from someone who is very emotionally close to us, or when a loved one has passed over and we are thinking of them, and they are visiting us.

When it is someone who is apart from us in a physical sense, for example another city or country, we may suddenly have a sense of what they are eating or drinking, and be able to taste it as if we were eating or drinking it ourselves.

When this happens from someone who has passed over they often utilise this ability as a way of reminding us of something which we knew they particularly enjoyed in life, or to remind us of a special occasion we shared with them.

Clairgustance taps into tastes from the past, present and the future. They may naturally associate a particular taste with a person they know well, if they meet them in the street or phone them up they may be aware of this taste before they even speak to them. Unusual tastes may also be linked to occupations the person did while they were on the earth plane, so you may taste rubber, chalk etc

You Will Study:


An overview of Clairgustance
My own shared experiences of Clairgustance
An Overview of Synaesthesia

Eating Mindfully
Stages of mindful eating
Developing healthy eating habits
Food blessing overview & exercise

The dangers of working to exhaustion

Developing our Clairgustant Ability
Exercise1: Creating a sacred working space with a throat chakra meditation
Exercise2: Food association with memories - making the link
Exercise 3: Tuning into tastes at a distance
Exercise 4: Associating different tastes with individuals;living and in spirit.

Messages in Water
Exercise 1: Programming water with words and symbols
Exercise 2: Programming water with sound


Celestial Light Code Activation
How it works
Attunement process

Introduction to Claircognizance– clear knowing which will be Module 6

You will receive your PDF course manual and ongoing email guidance throughout your course, after you have followed the exercises and meditations for one month you may apply for your Celestial Light Code Activation. On completion of this you will receive a certificate of completion.

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies , Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.

Please contact me hiltonphilip85@gmail.comto make a booking or for more information.


Module 6 – Claircognizance - £25.99

Claircognizance means clear- Knowing

This is when we experience advanced knowledge of people or events that we would not normally have access to at this time, or in some cases at all. These important messages filter through to us from Spirit and may suddenly simply appear in our minds like a bright flash of inspiration. Sometimes they may form a sense of gentle inner knowing, providing us with the urge to change direction on where we are going, what we are doing, or to share information that doesn’t come from our own thoughts and impressions with others.

You will have experienced many of these moments quite naturally. Have you ever thought to yourself; “I don’t know why I left so suddenly, I just knew I had to get out of there.” Or, “I don’t know what it is about that person; I just know I don’t trust them.” Or, “I just knew something was going to go wrong today.” If you were questioned you would say that there was no rhyme or reason, no logic you can point to, no information gained through regular channels. Just pure knowledge downloaded directly into your brain with no interpretation required, and no room for misunderstanding.

When we are open to these possibilities we actually attract more of them to us because we are not self-limiting ourselves by only the things that are measurable to us in the physical world. 


You Will Study:

An overview of Claircognizance
My own shared experiences of Claircognizance

An overview of Brain Training
Learn to work with different techniques to boost your natural mind abiltities

An overview of Lucid Dreaming
Learn several interesting techniques to improve your opportunities in controling  and remembering your dreams 

An overview of Out of Body Experiences
Learn two powerful techniques to help guide you through the out of body experience. 

Developing our Claircognizant Ability
Exercise1: Recognising and acting on your awareness and visions
Exercise 2: Developing your Claircognizant chakra
Exercise 3: Develop your ESP with the playing card technique
Exericse 4: Work with a friend on 3 ESP techniques: Zener cards, hidden objects, and words and images telepathy.

Celestial Light Code Activation
How it works
Attunement process

You will receive your PDF course manual and ongoing email guidance throughout your course, after you have followed the exercises and meditations for one month you may apply for your Celestial Light Code Activation. On completion of this you will receive a certificate of completion.

*Please note this teaching course and its energies are unique to GVHT Good Vibes Holistic Therapies , Raine Hilton & Philip Hilton, and cannot be taught by anyone else, or passed onto others.

Please contact to make a booking or for more information.