Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant
Spirit Photography
Many times people want proof that spirit truly exists and yes, even I sometimes find it difficult. Living in a modern world cut off from nature and peace, quiet and stillness, it is good to be able to have something concrete to focus on.
Each image on this page was photographed either by me or my wife Raine. There has been no enhancement done to any picture, apart from cropping for the purpose of clarity.
I offer these pictures as direct evidence of the spirit world.

Dryad in the woods.


Face in fire

Face in fire closeup

Face in fire with enlargement

Face in Lily pond

Raine pictured with two Fey Guides Fintak and Pinella

Fire Fairies dancing

Spirit energy captured in a kitchen

Lady of the woods and friends

This ancient lamp hadn't been lit for 4000 years.

This picture was taken during a candle magic spell

There is an energy portal in this area

The face of a fey guide called Ralff can be seen in the wood above the candle

Dryad in the woods

These photographs were taken during the different stages of spell pouch creation

Picture taken after a Fairy ritual at Raine's desk

Watching the Watcher
All images copyright Philip & Raine Hilton 201